
A Reservoir of Stone

A laccolith is an igneous intrusion formed as pooled magma forced its way into softer sedimentary rocks, lifting the ground upward. The magma cooled, becoming hard rock that over millions of years became exposed as the sedimentary rock eroded away.

Lakkos is Greek for reservoir and lithos is Greek for stone.


I am a product of north-central Montana where the mountains meet the plains. I have been an artist, backcountry ranger, rural mail carrier, farmer, and baker. I currently live on the Fairfield Bench, between Power and Fairfield, Montana, with a lovely wife, two energetic kids, an exuberant dog, and four needy cats. I own and operate a small sourdough bakery called Blue Truck Bread and I follow my curiosity through my art practice.

I work with black-and-white films that I develop and make prints from in a darkroom. I love the material nature of the process, the tangibility of it, and the physical result at the end of it all.